The bridge milling shaping machine "APUANIA GS 3500" builted in cast iron "G25", represents the completion of the Tongiani's milling and shaping machine series
The machine is characterized by the following technical features:
- The bridge advances on an oil-bath rail, sliding on slant thrust bearings with self-lubricating rack and pinion and piston entirely protected by thermowelved guards.
- The spindle is sized to bear a 625 mm disk and consists of a sturdy cast iron casting made up of two parts. A rotary skid allows an inclination angle from 0 to 90 degrees.
- The spindle trolley is driven by direct current temporized engines
- The bridge is shifted by dc motors and controlled by a high precision encoder. The bridge position is detected automatically and shown on a display located on the control panel.
- The turning table, a cast iron casting, can be blocked at 0 deg., 45 deg., and 90 deg.; breaking each 5 degrees increments rate. the table, measuring 3,000 x 800 mm. is equipped with widening shelves on the larger sides.
- Controls are housed in a control panel fitted to the bridge front. In addition a duty panel is installed on a movable board and contains the manual operational pushing buttons for positioning the machine when starting a job: it is easily accessible to lay down the slabs onto the table.
- Cutting simulation occours through a laser ray on working area.
Clarification of Wastewater

Pumping of abrasive slurry

Stone Working

Splitting cushions

Polish machine




Polish machine


© 2010 Astec Tongiani Srl - P.zza Aranci, 18 - 54100 Massa (MS) - Italy
E-mail: info@tongiani.com - Tel. +39 345 0433482
P.IVA IT01133680452 - Cap.Soc. € 95.000,00 i.v. - Iscr.N° 01133680452 - REA MS 115740
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E-mail: info@tongiani.com - Tel. +39 345 0433482
P.IVA IT01133680452 - Cap.Soc. € 95.000,00 i.v. - Iscr.N° 01133680452 - REA MS 115740
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